The School Day

The school day begins at 8:50 for all children and ends at 3.20pm. The doors are open between 8.40 and 8.50 for children to come into school.

Nursery and Reception

Nursery and reception children don't have a designated playtime on the school yard, as they have continuous access to their very own outdoor area that is open for the majority of the school day.  Nursery children go for their lunch at 11:40 and Reception at 11.50.

Key Stage One

Children in Years One and Two have play time from 10:30 until 10:45 each day.  For Year One and Year Two have lunch from 12pm and begin their afternoon session at 1pm.

Key Stage Two

Children in Years Three to Six also have play time from 10.30 until 10.45 each day and lunchtime from 12pm to 1pm. Key Stage Two children (years 3,4,5 and 6) have lunch on a rota either at 12pm or 12.30.


Any queries can be directed to Mrs Crudace in the school office via email ( or via telephone (0191) 4157214. 

School Menu

If your child is in Reception, Year 1 or 2 they are entitled to a free school meal.

The price of a school meal for pupils in Years 3 - 6 will be £2.40 per day.

Click below for more information on our school meals and to view the menu.

School Uniform

The school uniform is actively encouraged. It is neat, serviceable, easily obtainable and acts as a cohesive factor.

Trousers should be grey or black. Skirts or pinafore dresses should be navy or grey. In the summer term, blue gingham dresses may also be worn. At our school, branded or unbraded uniform options can be worn. Polo shirts and sweatshirts (with school logo) and additional items can be obtained from:

The School Outfit,

11 Brockwell Road,

Crowther Industrial Estate,

Washington, NE38 0AF.

Telephone: 0191 416 8889 or visit the website for a full view of the items available.

On PE days, children should come to school in their PE kit.

PE kit should consist of:

  • a plain white t-shirt or polo shirt
  • navy blue, black or grey joggers, legging or shorts
  • a plain navy blue, black or grey jumper or hoodie
  • suitable trainers (no canvas shoes) (no laces for nursery and reception)

Please also ensure that all long hair is tied back and that if your child wears stud earrings, they are able to take them out for PE independently.

The Head Teacher has the right to prohibit the wearing of certain types of clothing or particular items that are deemed, on safety grounds or other grounds, to be unsuitable for wear in school

Y3 Main Hall Assembly 02